Expo 2020 Dubai is open to one-year postponement

Expo 2020 Dubai and the UAE have expressed support for a one-year postponement made by the Steering Committee following a meeting on March 30.

In a press statement, both emphasised their “collective aim to deliver an Expo that is true to its time and to our shared, urgent priorities” and acknowledged that with the ongoing pandemic, now “is not the right time”.

Bureau International des Expositions member states will need to vote on Expo 2020 Dubai’s fate at the next General Assembly

The statement said: “We continue to face a global situation that is both fast moving and unpredictable. Over the last several weeks, we have been working hard, both internally and in consultation with key UAE and international stakeholders, to review the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on our plans and preparations for Expo 2020 Dubai.

“While everyone involved in Expo 2020 Dubai remains firmly committed, many countries have been significantly impacted by Covid-19 and they have expressed a need to postpone Expo’s opening by one year, to enable them to overcome this challenge.

“In spirit of solidarity and unity, we support the proposal to explore a one-year postponement made by the Steering Committee at today’s meeting.”

Following the decision made at the Steering Committee meeting, the next step would be to have the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) member states vote on the postponement at the General Assembly. Article 28 of the BIE Convention stipulates that a change of dates requires a two-thirds majority vote from the BIE Member States.

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