ATPI acquires Griffin Travel

GLOBAL travel management and events company ATPI Group has announced its second acquisition in less than 12 months – the purchase of Griffin Travel, for an undisclosed sum.

In January, the Group had bought Australia’s largest independent travel management company, Voyager Travel.

The purchase of Griffin, which has an international operation of wholly owned offices in 13 countries and joint ventures in a further nine, increases the Group’s global office footprint to over 100 locations around the world.

CEO Graham Ramsey said: “In 2013, the ATPI Group business delivered gross sales of over £720 million (US$1.1 billion), and achieved its third successful MBO deal in six years. With the acquisition of Griffin, coupled with our significant business growth, in 2014 this will reach in excess of £1.2 billion.

ATPI’s business is funded in partnership with specialist asset manager ICG, and seven major banks comprising Lloyds, ING, HSBC, RBS, Investec, Aimco and Bank of Ireland.

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