Tourism sidelined by globalisation?

A RECENT report by Travel Impact Newswire, entitled Travel & Tourism in the New World Order, has identified a significant disconnect between the development agendas being pursued by global leaders and the travel & tourism industry.

Based on written recordings of 196 speeches undertaken by global leaders during the 66th annual General Assembly session of the United Nations last September, the report identifies key statements on policies and perspectives that are potentially of game-changing value to policy- and decision-makers in the travel & tourism industry.

According to the report, the speeches revealed that the world is clearly split between rich and poor, haves and have-nots, powerful and powerless.

Although leaders yearn for positive change, many have misgivings about the trend of globalisation, and foster growing mistrust about the ability of modern day institutions and power structures, including the United Nations, to deliver results.

The leaders want to see a new world order that is just, balanced and fair, but fear what the report calls “the polarisation of globalisation” — a world in which they lose control of their ability to influence events, the report added.

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