Kirschner Travel Manila delves deeper into marine wildlife tours

kirschner-travel-manila-delves-deeper-into-marine-wildlife-toursTubbataha Reef. Credit: 123rf

KIRSCHNER Travel Manila has launched customised tours for those interested in marine wildlife such as dugongs, whale sharks, rays and giant turtles that abound in various parts of the Philippines.

What sets these tours apart from other packages is the uncompromising respect for the animals and their environment. “My main concern is ensuring the tours do not harm these threatened species and their habitat,” AA Yaptinchay, general manager, Kirschner Travel told TTG Asia e-Daily.

One of the few marine wildlife experts in the country, Yaptinchay has been involved in tourism development and marine conservation for over 20 years. He chose Donsol in Sorsogon and Tubbataha Reef and Busuanga in Palawan to launch the initial tours.

“I’m connected to those sites personally through my conservation work, so I am quite familiar with the operators, guides and how the sites are being managed. These are sites which value conservation of the marine environment,” he explained.

Yaptinchay believes that marine tourism is now ripe for development, as the Philippine Department of Tourism “has taken solid steps in wildlife to regulate interaction with marine wildlife”.

As well, an increasingly mature visitor profile seeking quality over quantity will make such tours feasible. He added: “These days, people are seeking better, more unique experiences, with costs being secondary.”

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