How to target the middle-class tribes

THE travel industry loves the travelling middle class, but to better predict customer behaviour and attract spend, the Collinson Group has identified specific tribes within this homogeneous-seeming demographic.

The customer behavior expert, Collinson Group, has outlined four distinct groups of middle-class consumers across 4,400 consumers in Brazil, China, India, Italy, the UAE, UK and US: the Mid-life Modernists who are the most prominent in Singapore, the Prudent Planners, Stylish Spenders, and Experientalists.

The Mid-life Modernists are characterised by their enthusiasm for technology and as a tribe are well-represented in Singapore and India. Gadgets are their biggest indulgence and would recommend their favourite brands on social media.

On the other hand, the Prudent Planners formed the biggest group in the entire sample at 41 per cent and cite spending time with family as their biggest indulgence. Loyalty programmes are especially important for this group.

Both Prudent Planners and Mid-life Modernists, who together account for 69 per cent of the global middle class, would appreciate more flexible travel-related rewards. This includes being allowed to transfer loyalty programme points to family members, access to lounges or priority seating for family.

Stylish Spenders, as the name suggests, appreciate the finer things in life. Common in China and the UAE, this high-spending group is a fan of branded products and will splurge to travel in style and for bragging rights.

Travel brands can target Stylish Spenders by offering exclusive opportunities to attract this group, said the Collinson Group. Mandarin Oriental Hotels Group and Delta Air Lines both have invitation-only clubs for these folks.

On the other hand, the Experientialist tribe looks for unique, intangible experiences that cannot be bought by money. Prevalent in China, the UAE and UK, this group enjoys being immersed in a different culture and spends on holidays and dining out.

Marketers can reach them by expanding rewards and benefits offered in their programmes to include more international content, such as priority access to the best restaurants in the world or chances to experience cultural events.

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