UAS opens regional HQ in Hong Kong, office in Beijing

UPBEAT about Asia-Pacific’s business aviation market, UAS International Trip Support has started operations at its new regional headquarters in Hong Kong, and will open its Beijing office today.

UAS co-founder and executive director, Mohammed Husary, commented that Hong Kong is the undisputed destination of choice for the company’s Asia-Pacific headquarters due to its strategic location and all-rounded transportation and logistics network.

The Hong Kong headquarters’ establishment represents the corporation’s first step in penetrating the Greater China market. Its India office is slated to open shortly after.

Asia-Pacific constitutes the fastest-growing market where some 700 out of its 1,400 clients are based, with the China market burgeoning rapidly.

Through its new headquarters, UAS will leverage Hong Kong’s status as a global financial and aviation hub to expand its network. The Hong Kong team will be available 24/7, offering services in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Mohammed Husary further explained that the higher fees, inadequate infrastructure and cumbersome process to obtain landing permits often associated with China’s market will not dampen the growth of and demand for international aviation trip support.

He is also keen to join relevant associations as well as exchange views with industry players to work towards improving the regulatory and business environment in China.

Besides Hong Kong, UAS also has headquarters located in Houston, Johannesburg and Dubai.

Established in 2000, UAS provides global trip support services to private and corporate passengers as well as cargo, royal and presidential flights.

Article by Yvonne Chang. Translated by Ong Yanchun from the original TTG China e-Daily, November 21, 2014, article.

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