Korean Air bumps up New York flights

KOREAN Air will increase its Seoul (Incheon)-New York flights from once to twice daily come May, padding up services that the airline says offer the quickest access between South-east Asia and the US.

The airline deploys an Airbus A380 on the routes to New York and Los Angeles.

John Jackson, vice president of sales & marketing for the Americas, Korean Air, said: “We have the easiest and fastest connections to South-east Asia through the world-renowned Incheon International Airport. Take for example, Houston, our newest market. Our flights to Singapore will be three hours shorter than our closest competitor. And our service to Vietnam will be anywhere from four to 15 hours quicker.”

Korean Air had earlier this year announced that a new four-times weekly Seoul (Incheon)-Houston service will commence in May (TTG Asia e-Daily, February 6, 2014), but has had to increase frequencies to daily following strong response.

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