PATA details new initiatives

AS PART of its new agenda, PATA is planning to ‘build the business’ for members, specifically by creating a strategic series of events called PATA World City Forums, being more visible in media in connection with trade-related issues, and creating a Technology Committee and a PATA Rapid Recovery Task Force.

PATA World City Forums will primarily be about emerging markets, travel technology, crisis recovery and addressing obstacles to growth such as travel taxes.

Incoming PATA CEO Martin Craigs and interim CEO Bill Calderwood will be conducting media interviews at the World Trade Travel Market in London on the thorny issue of the EU’s proposed Emissions Trading System and the UK’s existing Air Passenger Duty tax.

Next month, PATA will also publish a special report on taxation in the travel industry in its Issues & Trends publication.

PATA’s Technology committee aims to target niche areas such as mobile, social media, applications, SEO and distribution.

The PATA Rapid Recovery Task Force will be announced in a few weeks and includes a crisis manual and working with the World Travel & Tourism Council to deliver a special session on crisis recovery next year.

PATA’s new agenda builds on its general new commitment to ‘build the business’ for members. The new direction was defined in PATA’s Our Future Strategic Focus published in April 2011.

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